"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary struggles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen.
For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
(II Corinthians 4:16-18)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

He & She :: May 2011

he & she in may.

may was a complete whirlwind.

so much happened, and she completely slacked in blogging.

so here's a five-second update.

she had a wedding shower... that was slightly inappropriate, but oh, so fun. it was definitely out of her comfort zone ;)

his parents and her parents came into town for her graduation.

they enjoyed spending time with them so, so much.

she got a wedding dress while her momma was here and was so happy that she got to spend the day shopping with her.

she went on a graduation celebration cruise with laura jo and had a blast.

he babysat while she was gone... sweet boy :)

the wedding countdown finally hit double digits...

92 days, my friends.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

He & She :: April 2011

he & she in april.

they had a very busy month.

they ran a half marathon in st. louis and they both finished, even though it was semi-sucky.

the long drive was... well, long. but super fun. 

they celebrated easter by watching the passion and worshipping at grace community church.

and then they ate a delicious dinner with her brother and rented harry potter and the deathly hallows.

she celebrated big's birthday, a friend's baby shower, and a friend's wedding shower. 

they went and saw an incredible trans-siberian orchestra show in biloxi and she got to eat sushi (even though he hates sushi).

she ended the month at the church's women's retreat, which was completely refreshing and a great weekend away.

he pressure-washed and painted the house while she was gone.

they have two weeks left until she graduates and they're both out of school...

and four months until the wedding.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Weekend with Biggleton

I've gotten to spend a ton of time with my sweet Biggy Poo Kristina the past few months.  It has been so sweet and fun... anyway, this past weekend, I drove to Montgomery to celebrate her birthday, her acceptance into seminary... and... well, other things... :) Whenever we get to spend time together, we really don't end up doing a whole lot.  We sleep.  And talk.  And hang out on the pier on campus // Kristina's back porch.  Its just really refreshing time... but we SUCK at taking pictures. Okay, let me rephrase... I HATE taking pictures.  We took some this weekend.  They are hideous, but I'm going to put them up anyway, because I love time with Big.  And I love you, Big, huge.

Kristina is currenlty living in a cottage in Montgomery... with sweet Christmas lights on the porch.  This place is straight out of The Secret Garden. I loved it, clearly.

We're excited!! About a lot of things :)

Secret Garden House.

We didn't get any good pictures... but this is a typical Big/Lil picture :)

I don't know what this is, but I love it.

Monday, April 11, 2011

St. Louis Weekend

What a wonderful weekend.  Richard and I have been training to run the St. Louis half-marathon (yes, that's 13.1 miles) since January, and this past weekend was the big race! We drove the eleven and a half hours to St. Louis on Friday afternoon and drove back on Sunday after the run.  We needed this time together.  Granted, we were cooped up in his car, and our legs were hurting so so bad on the drive home, but it was so good to have time to just talk... and, added bonus, Richard got to hear me sing for probably four or five consecutive hours... he heard the entire Rent soundtrack, the entire Hairspray soundtrack, and a whole lot of Glee.  I think he's been converted to a showtune lover :)

On Friday night and Saturday night, we got to stay with our friends Katie and Ben.  They moved away from Mobile last summer and are in St. Louis while Ben goes to seminary.  It was SUCH a blessing to spend time with them and their sweet twins :)  On Saturday, we went to Anheuser-Busch on a tour... we got to see the famous clydsdale horses (or "neighs," as the twins called them) and we got free beer samples!! Totally sweet.  Saturday afternoon, Richard and I went to see the St. Louis arch... Richard was fascinated by this thing.  It was a pretty amazing structure.  That evening, we got to spend some sweet time with Katie and Ben.  Seriously, we were so encouraged by ya'll and are so thankful that you let us crash at your house for the weekend.

Richard and the twins :)

The gigundo clydsdale horses.

Richard and I... and a lot of beer.

The beautiful tulips that were everywhere in St. Louis.

And the arch :) It was hard to get it all in one picture, it's massive.

And Sunday was the race! It. was. brutal.  The course was 13.1 miles of hills. Like, 10 minute long hills. Not even a little bit fun.  In fact, they ran out of paramedics because so many people passed out (because they also ran out of water), so they cancelled the full marathon about halfway through.  The half-marathon was fine (so we still got to finish), but a lot of people were turned around at the 10-mile mark.  But, we both finished... and Richard ran his first half! I'm so proud of him, he did such a good job. 

We finished! We. are. exhausted.

Moral of the story: amazing weekend, so great to get out of Mobile and spend some sweet time with fiance and friends :)
Also, I fell in love with these purple trees.

P.S. Ben and Katie gave us their old bed for our spare bedroom.  WHAT?!? You guys are the best.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

He & She :: March 2011

he & she in march.

she got a week-long and much needed break from school, during which she was not nearly as productive as she needed to be... but that's the point of a break, right??

he was quite jealous and misses spring break, but was very sweet and happy for her.

they went on a fun red robin // swing dancing date.

she loves dancing with him.

they ran the azalea trail 10k, which was his first race ever... and he beat her by like, eight minutes.

she likes to blame it on the fact that he's a foot taller than her.

she was very proud of him.

they got their engagement pictures and love them.

they have a crazy busy month of april, and she is looking forward to graduation (43 days away).

while we're on the subject of countdowns...

they get married 5 months from sunday.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Spring Break

WOOOO!! Spring Break has arrived... more importantly than Spring Break (if that is possible) is the fact that we are exactly 1/2 of the way through the semester.  Allow me to translate: EIGHT STINKING WEEKS UNTIL GRADUATION.  I am so grateful for this break... I was getting super burned out the last two weeks; this rest is much needed and I am very thankful (as is Richard; my stress level was definitely interefering with my ability to be a nice fiance).  My super intense (not) and fun-filled break will include the following:

1. sleeping // not setting an alarm

2. spending some much needed time with Laura Jo (aka having a week-long sleepover)

3. LOTS of school work / real work :(

4. spending some extended time with sweet Jesus (this one is my fav!)

Monday, February 28, 2011

He & She :: February 2011

he & she in february.

he learned how to tile a floor and did a fabulous job on the half bathroom.

she got a job in the human resource department at a hospital.

so her life is consists of school, work, and homework (oh my).

they celebrated her twenty-second birthday with delicious dinner and a wonderful movie.

they had engagement photos taken...ten months after getting engaged.

its been hard to spend time together recently and they miss seeing each other.

they are getting married in 186 days.

but who's counting?

she took pictures this month!